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The Need
Appalachian regions have long been known for high poverty and unemployment rates. With a lack of investment into the area, low education levels, and poor infrastructure, Appalachian families are prevented from rising above the poverty line and creating a sustainable life for themselves. Poverty and unemployment rates often double those of state and nation wide rates. At H.A.R.P, we look to expand opportunities which enable low-income families to grow, prosper and break free from the limitations of their location.

Our Mission
H.A.R.P's mission is to transform the spiritual and physical lives of people in need.
Inspired by the words of Christ, “Truly, I say to you, as you did for one of these my brothers, you did it for me.” (Matthew's 25:40, NIV). HARP works to serve people seeking self-sufficiency, leading to independence by providing spiritual, emotional, and material support.