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Share This Event



H.A.R.P will be holding the fourth annual Share-A-Thon on June 2nd from 8am-6pm. The funds raised will go directly to helping low-income families, veterans, seniors, and disabled adults. H.A.R.P provides necessary home repairs, wheelchair ramps, maintenance, and furnishings to those who are physically and financially not able to provide for themselves and their family.  By removing the financial burden of these repairs, families are set upon the path of self-sufficiency and able to progress on creating an independent lifestyle or ageing in place. 

Over 46 families have already applied this year and are in desperate need of assistance with housing projects. By participating in the Share-a-Thon, donors will help provide wheelchair ramps to disabled veterans, and seniors, as well as home repair projects for over 100 families this year.

To see a list of H.A.R.P's current projects visit the Projects page.

Jackie Neff.jpg

Volunteers working on a ramp for a family in need.


Tuesday, June 2 2020


810 Main Street, Caldwell, OH 43724.

Pledge by phone, in person, or donate online.

How to Donate


Call H.A.R.P at 740-365-0052 from 8am-6pm on June 2nd to pledge your donation. Checks can be mailed to 810 Main Street, Caldwell, OH 43724.


You can also donate online here.

For information on this event please contact us at 740-365-0052 or message us here.


Funds benefited to H.A.R.P will go directly to purchasing material and tools needed to build wheelchair ramps, repair damaged homes, handicapped bathroom renovations, and ensure each home is safe, sanitary, and secure. 


Share-a-thon 2018

Office hours are Monday-Thursday 
Tel: (740) 365-0052


Visit our gift shop
Heavenly Treasures
516 West St.
Caldwell, OH 43724
Tuesday - Thursday 9am-2pm

H.A.R.P Inc
810 Main Street

Caldwell, OH 43724

Helping Appalachian Rural People dba HARP Mission is a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.

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